So today I got the chance to meet and speak to Andy Eaves, who works for the Chelmsford County Council and is organizing the maintenance work due to take place on the Skate-Park.
Although rain almost hindered this, I would just like to again thank Mr Eaves for making the time to meet me and help us to get our views across.
Some of you may have already noticed minor riveting has taken place to temporally secure the worst of the panelling. Andy broke down for me in more detail what the Council already have planned to take place and also allowed me to raise further issues and problems that you the users of the park are concerned about.
So its official as of the 12th of APRIL the Skate-Park will be CLOSED, cordoned off and will not be available for use. I know I can trust you all but I have to say, please respect that work will be going on here so don’t pester those working on the park, they have a job to do. If we have any issues we must do it in to correct manor and raise it with the council, NOT those conducting the work on the Skate-Park.
The Skate-Park will be cordoned off as Sand-Blasting work will be commencing, it could potentially be closed off for 1 to 2 weeks, this all depends on what the sandblasting reveals underneath. The Sand-Blasting is in order to not only remove previous coatings of paint, dirt and rust but will give The Council and indication of the true condition of the metal. So prepare for the park being closed longer if necessary, rather now so we have a useable facility in time for the warmer months.
The boundary guard rail has been found, apparently down river somewhere, this is to be replaced. Also the Mini-Ramp and Half-Pipe safety rails will be repaired and replaced if required
Once the sand-blasting has been completed, panel replacement and re-riveting will take place, to those worried about the current rivets being used I have been assured that they will be done with flat headed rivets to avoid any potential hazard. The foundations will also be addressed not only under the ramps but to side of the Mini, rubber sheeting will be layed to help avoid further erosion of the soil.
All of the ramps, once repair work is completed, will be recoated with and Epoxy-Resin designed to protect the ramp from the elements. I can assure you all this is not going to affect the ride of the ramps as I have seen this used before, its actually designed for Boat hulls, not too slippery or too rough. Again this all hinges on what the sand-blasting reveals.
Or complete lack of to be more precise. I have highlighted a variety of safety issues pertaining from the original construction of the Skate-Park. I will be forwarding this on to Mr Parkington to ensure that everything discussed does receive due care and consideration.
I also got the chance to raise the problem caused by the sinking of the ramps and therefore the dangerous transitions on ALL the ramps and flat-banks. Andy did completely agree and also went so far as to elaborate on a few potential resolutions to the many issues. Being one of the major safety risks in the park, I feel very confident that this can now be addressed and hopefully corrected properly.
Sharp Bent Metal,
All points of split wealds and overhanging jagged metal were pointed out and I have been assured will be resolved considering the high potential for injury caused by the condition of the wealds and joins.
One of the parks many major downfalls, the condition of the surface has now been highlighted. Andy agreed and understands the problem caused by all the pot-holes and over-lapping of the asphalt suggesting potential ideas on how this can be sorted. Possibly up to and including a sectional resurfacing of the area effected by the footprint left by the old jump-box.
Battered flat and barely useable, this problem was raised and will be addressed once the sand-blasting takes place as again it may reveal many more underlying problems,
Sinking Skate-Park
All the points of the parks equipment that are sinking or slipped were pointed out and discussed. This mainly refers back to the transition problems and surfacing issues previously mentioned but this needs to be addressed especially considering nothing in the Skate-Park is bolted down or secured to any kind of foundation.
Final Point of Interest,
Andy did however let slip a small bone of contention from the Councils side. I refer to the glass and litter accumulated in the Skate-Park area. I did point out the attitude cultivated by the councils previous lack of attention to the Skate-Park but I have to agree with him. I have discussed with Daz and therefore propose that a gesture of good faith on our part is needed.
We will soon be organising a thorough tidying of the area before work commences. This means in, around and under every ramp, in order to provide those conducting the repairs a clean environment to start with but also highlight our communities resolve, support and enthusiasm towards the Chelmsford Skate-Park Campaign.
So there you have it, this may not sound like much, but the work being proposed and conducted is a major under-taking and we must remain grateful to the Council that any kind of financing is being put in the direction of the Skate-Park.
Updates will follow when more is known,
Kind Regards,
Phil McEwan-Bell
Fine with me