Sunday, December 26, 2010
Winter Lock in Edit
with it being very snowy and wet outside was time to make the most out of what we had. a little winter lock in at park dx turn the light down and start filming, edit by paul bates
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Demon Xtreme and Park Dx Festive opening times
Monday, December 13, 2010
Unknown Productions
Here's an edit by Essex based Unknown Productions.
Filmed by Ciaran Robinson and edited by Dean Chaplin.
Starring Dean Chaplin. Music: Asher Roth - G.R.I.N.D (get ready its a new day)
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
A few Clips from the unit 1 Comp by Ricky Sweet
unit 1 2010 from Ricky Sweet on Vimeo.
here a few clips filmed by ricky sweet of the comp that took place sunday at unit 1 skate park. hope you enjoy.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Unit 1 Skatepark Rollerblading Competition

For everyone who didnt know unit 1 held the annual comp sunday, was a very fun exciting day and alot of good skating went down. the event was sponsored by UKSKATE, BE-MAG and 3RIDER TV. The event alone was like an endurance test consisting of 5 rounds and 2 to 3 groups in each round with skaters being knocked out at the end of each round.
The FINAL results was:
3rd: MATT 'squid' WITCHALLS
4th: ROB WEB
and taking home the best trick was none other the BILLY DOYLE
much love to everyone that was there was a great day all round and i know alot of the skaters are gonna be feeling it days after.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Demon Xtreme has now moved into the park :-)
For the next week and a half until 12th October we will be open as usual in the park with a few day time hours on monday and wednesday. The shop will open from 12pm till 6pm monday to saturday but you will be able to buy from the shop on monday and tuesday nights until 8pm, ask a member of staff to open up for you. Saturdays are usual times 10 til 5.30 in the shop and 1 till 9 in the park. We will be opening the park this saturday from 10am if anyone fancies a 3 hour session for £4.
From monday 11th October the hours will be
Monday to Friday 12pm till 6pm then 6pm till 8pm ( the door will be locked but you may ask staff to go in and take a look)
Saturday 10 till 6pm then 6 till 9pm (locked door)
The park will be available for 2 hour sessions at £3 per session,
Membership of £3 per day and £20 per year still applies
Sessions will start at 12pm and finish at 8pm
monday 12pm - 2pm - 4pm - 6pm - finish at 9pm
Tuesday 12pm - 6pm private hire and members events
Wednesday 12pm - 2pm - 4pm - 6pm finish at 9pm
Thursday 12pm - 2pm - 4pm - 6pm finish at 8pm
Friday 12pm - 2pm - 4pm - 6pm mobsa session
Saturday 10.30 - 12.30 Lessons, 1pm - 3pm - 5pm - 7pm till 9pm
We will also be starting BMX, skateboard and scooter sessions and possibly inline at the end of october.
Let me know your views, we are going to see how this works and go from there. If it needs to change then we will change it :-) Let us know what you think. All times are subject to change so please call or check facebook for upto date information
Closed All Day for the moment we plan to open in November
Lessons have been very successful and due to popular demand we have decided to add Friday evening for lessons to. We plan to have a skateboard Lesson on Friday night which will begin when we have 6 or more interested, please phone the store to register an interest we have a few already!
BMX Lessons, we are also planning to do lessons on a friday but are in the process of training someone to teach. This at first will be basic BMX skills for beginners only. If you are interested please call the shop for further info and to register your interest. As soon as training is complete and we have 6 or more we will start.
Inline Aggressive Lessons
We have been asked to for inline lessons to, firstly we need to find a coach and secondly then train him/her if you are interested and have previous coaching skills then please call the shop to arrange an informal chat!
Let your BMX/Skate friends know about us:-
1. Click on "Invite People to Join" from the menu on the right.
2. Select all your friends
3. Click on "Send invitation
(note you will require to fill out a membership waiver to attend) -
STUDENTS - Valid Student Card or letter from school/college/ University Confirming full time attendance
UNEMPLOYED - Up to date Signing on card or postal signing slip
If you are coming from a distance you may phone and book a session this must be paid for in advanced at the time of booking. You can also book online at (front page)
all users must sign waiver. U16s must have waiver form signed by parent before entry is allowed

Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Rayleigh Skate Park
The guys at 'Gravity' are designing The new Rayleigh skatepark. Have a look at their other projects over at: Its a brilliant site. These guys are 'Brilliant!....
But they may not have ever had to deal with such a fussy bunch as yous lot!!
We've had several different designs/plans for this park, a...ll of them have had their good points and their bad. Its almost crunch time people, decisions have to be made sharpish!
This project is yours, its in your hands, and it has been since the start, you have the power you are calling the shots here. So don't mess it up.
Gravity have said that they are happy to work with your needs taking guidance and ideas from you. And they have done.
So here it is .... Gravity Rayleigh Revision vesion 1a

This is gravitys revised version from a different perspective...

This is the version that P.C. (our local ramp designer extrodinaire) messed with, you should be able to notice he's made a few changes. He's also written 2500 word essay to accompany it expaining the changes he would make. None of them are hugely major! The biggest and most obvious is the size of the mini ramp.
But they may not have ever had to deal with such a fussy bunch as yous lot!!
We've had several different designs/plans for this park, a...ll of them have had their good points and their bad. Its almost crunch time people, decisions have to be made sharpish!
This project is yours, its in your hands, and it has been since the start, you have the power you are calling the shots here. So don't mess it up.
Gravity have said that they are happy to work with your needs taking guidance and ideas from you. And they have done.
So here it is .... Gravity Rayleigh Revision vesion 1a

This is gravitys revised version from a different perspective...

This is the version that P.C. (our local ramp designer extrodinaire) messed with, you should be able to notice he's made a few changes. He's also written 2500 word essay to accompany it expaining the changes he would make. None of them are hugely major! The biggest and most obvious is the size of the mini ramp.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
SlammJamm 12

It's that time of the year again and we're getting ready for slammjamm yet again.For everyone who doesnt know slammjamm is one of the biggest events of the years with people traveling from all over the world to liverpool,england for 3 days of skating mayhem on the 15th,16th and 17th of october.
you can register for the comp my emailing your-NAME/AGE/ADDRESS/CONTACT NUMBER/CONTACT EMAIL/SPONSORS details to please make sure you headline your email SJXII/AIL REGISTARTION!!!!!!.
would also like to add the ticket prices will be going up as of monday 27th september have not got the info on how much to yet but we will keep you constantly posted on all the latest slammjamm info.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Kingdom Jam - Saffron Walden
Monday, September 20, 2010
Loco Beach Jam
Raise These Sails - John Riis Became One of Them (Official Music Video)
This is the new music video from local band Raise these sails - johns riis became one of them.Watch out for their first EP Live For Today, pray For Tomorrow. Raise these sails are defiantly a band to look out for in the near future and if you ant had the chance to go see erm live go.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
DEMON XTREME new chelmsford store NOW open
Joey Yeomans 2010 summer offcuts edit
here's a little offcuts edit of joey yeomans filmed and edited by paul bates.
watch out for a full section from my yeomans showing his next level ham skills off.
watch out for a full section from my yeomans showing his next level ham skills off.
Joey Yeomans - Summer 2010 offcuts from paul bates on Vimeo.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Fram Jam 2010
here's the edits of fram jam 2010 edited by Ricky Sweet, was an all round awesome day.
make sure if you missed it this year you get down in 2011. Thanks rio for hooking it up.
make sure if you missed it this year you get down in 2011. Thanks rio for hooking it up.
Fram Jam 2010 from Ricky Sweet on Vimeo.
Fram Jam B-Roll from Ricky Sweet on Vimeo.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
SX Urban Games Chelmsford
Monday, May 31, 2010
Check out this little edit from Essex local Paul Bates
Offcuts from paul bates on Vimeo.
"Offcuts and unwanted clips. Appearances from Matt Cripps, Seamus Rafferty, Paul Bates, Ian Brooke, Lewis Packham, Joey Yeomans and Adam Galwas. Music: The Lodge - Noose"
Monday, April 12, 2010
Chelmsford Central Park Spring Jamm
A heartfelt THANK YOU to all of those who came down and got dirty all in the name of a good cause, your efforts were greatly appreciated and send a clear message to the Council, who their dealing with and what we're about.
Everyone who helped with the mammoth effort being awarded a "Buy 1 Get 1 Free" voucher from our wonderful and ever supportive local Skate Specialists .
A special mention to Charlie Milmil for going the extra mile and making sure we didn't miss a spot.
So countless bin bags later and 2 hours of trash collecting, sweeping and dusting off of the ramps we set up in preparation for a long and beautifully sunny day. There was not so much of a format for the day more a last chance to shred the park but also raise awareness about the Skatepark Campaign.
With the Info stand set up ready to answer any questions the community had on what we're doing and trying to highlight. Not bad for a rag tag band of park dwellers, it just goes to prove what a group of positive and like minded youngsters can do. Well done Guys.
We had a massive amount of support and in preparation for the park to fill up quickly we had many donated prizes given kindly by businesses both local and further a field. I'd just like to give a quick mention to all the companies that donated to the cause and with out you the day would not have been a success. Thanks goes to ...
Anne Gooderham at DEMON XTREME SPORTS for everything,
Tom Halliday for hooking up all the prizes from DUFF SHOES,
Kevin McKeon for the sorting out the Skateboard Decks
All at Wheelscape Skatepark Designs for the many T-shirts and stickers,
Just a few of the days prizes...
So as people started to descend on the park the atmosphere was amazing, music pumping, hammers thrown and everyone making the most of the awkward and quite frankly terrible park. But the whole Skatepark community as always making the best of what we've got, banded together and things really started to go off.
Skaters and Bikers far and wide came to support the cause, with families setting up picnics and passers by dropping in to see what all the fuss was about, with the sun beaming down a lovely vibe and a great sense of community descended across the park.
The ever supportive Local Lib Dem Candidate Stephen Robinson cycled by with his son to come join in and soak up the atmosphere, watch out Stephen looks like you've got a little dare devil in the making too. Many thanks, your support and advice is always appreciated by our group.
We had the weather on our side and spirits where high, so it was only right as the park began to fill up and get quite cramped, we started the mini comps,
All ages, abilities and sports got the chance to show their skills and almost everyone who participated throughout the day took something home, whether that be badges, stickers, keychains, beanie hats, t-shirts, vouchers for Park DX the list goes on and on...
BMX/Mountain Bike (£20 voucher from Demon Xtreme) - Olly Parker (consistent massive airs gaps and transfers all day long, high flyer)
Inline (£20 voucher from Demon Xtreme) - Matt "Squid" Witchalls (technical genius and just wouldn't sit down)
16+ Skateboard (Skateboard Deck + T-shirt) - AJ Martin (Real ripper and unbeatable attitude and respect)
Under 16 (Skateboard Deck + DVD) - Ben Whalley (One to watch, this young'un has got all the skills and kept ripping throughout the day)
More photos HERE thanks to Dan for coming down and chronicling the day.
All in all the day was a massive success and a great day was had by everyone involved. Lastly just a thank you to you all, for coming down and supporting the cause,
Everyone who came down early and helped clean up the Skatepark,
Luke Pearce (local hero) for providing the Sound System and keeping tunes pumping all day long,
Aj Martin for coming back from Exeter to help organise and keep everyone juiced,
Harry Wilson (not so local but still local hero) for keeping everyone amped all day
Luke Sayer without you buddy I would have been pretty stuck,
Daz Coles for just doing what your doing,
Dan Slieker for rocking the papparazzi position,
My Missus for putting up with all this C**P,
Everyone who Biked Boarded or Bladed throughout the day
and everyone for just coming down and enjoying the day with us.
Most of all a massive Thank You to all our Supporters and thanks to you, Chelmsford "County Town of Essex" is finally having its Skatepark Facility addressed.
(Please respect those working on the Skatepark site while the area is cordoned off, the time will fly by and I'm sure you will all be rather pleased with the result).
The Journey Continues..............
Friday, April 2, 2010
Chelmsford Skatepark Petition!
Follow the link and sign the online petition.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Chelmsford Central Skate-Park Repair Work - Spring 2010

So today I got the chance to meet and speak to Andy Eaves, who works for the Chelmsford County Council and is organizing the maintenance work due to take place on the Skate-Park.
Although rain almost hindered this, I would just like to again thank Mr Eaves for making the time to meet me and help us to get our views across.
Some of you may have already noticed minor riveting has taken place to temporally secure the worst of the panelling. Andy broke down for me in more detail what the Council already have planned to take place and also allowed me to raise further issues and problems that you the users of the park are concerned about.
So its official as of the 12th of APRIL the Skate-Park will be CLOSED, cordoned off and will not be available for use. I know I can trust you all but I have to say, please respect that work will be going on here so don’t pester those working on the park, they have a job to do. If we have any issues we must do it in to correct manor and raise it with the council, NOT those conducting the work on the Skate-Park.
The Skate-Park will be cordoned off as Sand-Blasting work will be commencing, it could potentially be closed off for 1 to 2 weeks, this all depends on what the sandblasting reveals underneath. The Sand-Blasting is in order to not only remove previous coatings of paint, dirt and rust but will give The Council and indication of the true condition of the metal. So prepare for the park being closed longer if necessary, rather now so we have a useable facility in time for the warmer months.
The boundary guard rail has been found, apparently down river somewhere, this is to be replaced. Also the Mini-Ramp and Half-Pipe safety rails will be repaired and replaced if required
Once the sand-blasting has been completed, panel replacement and re-riveting will take place, to those worried about the current rivets being used I have been assured that they will be done with flat headed rivets to avoid any potential hazard. The foundations will also be addressed not only under the ramps but to side of the Mini, rubber sheeting will be layed to help avoid further erosion of the soil.
All of the ramps, once repair work is completed, will be recoated with and Epoxy-Resin designed to protect the ramp from the elements. I can assure you all this is not going to affect the ride of the ramps as I have seen this used before, its actually designed for Boat hulls, not too slippery or too rough. Again this all hinges on what the sand-blasting reveals.
Or complete lack of to be more precise. I have highlighted a variety of safety issues pertaining from the original construction of the Skate-Park. I will be forwarding this on to Mr Parkington to ensure that everything discussed does receive due care and consideration.
I also got the chance to raise the problem caused by the sinking of the ramps and therefore the dangerous transitions on ALL the ramps and flat-banks. Andy did completely agree and also went so far as to elaborate on a few potential resolutions to the many issues. Being one of the major safety risks in the park, I feel very confident that this can now be addressed and hopefully corrected properly.
Sharp Bent Metal,
All points of split wealds and overhanging jagged metal were pointed out and I have been assured will be resolved considering the high potential for injury caused by the condition of the wealds and joins.
One of the parks many major downfalls, the condition of the surface has now been highlighted. Andy agreed and understands the problem caused by all the pot-holes and over-lapping of the asphalt suggesting potential ideas on how this can be sorted. Possibly up to and including a sectional resurfacing of the area effected by the footprint left by the old jump-box.
Battered flat and barely useable, this problem was raised and will be addressed once the sand-blasting takes place as again it may reveal many more underlying problems,
Sinking Skate-Park
All the points of the parks equipment that are sinking or slipped were pointed out and discussed. This mainly refers back to the transition problems and surfacing issues previously mentioned but this needs to be addressed especially considering nothing in the Skate-Park is bolted down or secured to any kind of foundation.
Final Point of Interest,
Andy did however let slip a small bone of contention from the Councils side. I refer to the glass and litter accumulated in the Skate-Park area. I did point out the attitude cultivated by the councils previous lack of attention to the Skate-Park but I have to agree with him. I have discussed with Daz and therefore propose that a gesture of good faith on our part is needed.
We will soon be organising a thorough tidying of the area before work commences. This means in, around and under every ramp, in order to provide those conducting the repairs a clean environment to start with but also highlight our communities resolve, support and enthusiasm towards the Chelmsford Skate-Park Campaign.
So there you have it, this may not sound like much, but the work being proposed and conducted is a major under-taking and we must remain grateful to the Council that any kind of financing is being put in the direction of the Skate-Park.
Updates will follow when more is known,
Kind Regards,
Phil McEwan-Bell
So today I got the chance to meet and speak to Andy Eaves, who works for the Chelmsford County Council and is organizing the maintenance work due to take place on the Skate-Park.
Although rain almost hindered this, I would just like to again thank Mr Eaves for making the time to meet me and help us to get our views across.
Some of you may have already noticed minor riveting has taken place to temporally secure the worst of the panelling. Andy broke down for me in more detail what the Council already have planned to take place and also allowed me to raise further issues and problems that you the users of the park are concerned about.
So its official as of the 12th of APRIL the Skate-Park will be CLOSED, cordoned off and will not be available for use. I know I can trust you all but I have to say, please respect that work will be going on here so don’t pester those working on the park, they have a job to do. If we have any issues we must do it in to correct manor and raise it with the council, NOT those conducting the work on the Skate-Park.
The Skate-Park will be cordoned off as Sand-Blasting work will be commencing, it could potentially be closed off for 1 to 2 weeks, this all depends on what the sandblasting reveals underneath. The Sand-Blasting is in order to not only remove previous coatings of paint, dirt and rust but will give The Council and indication of the true condition of the metal. So prepare for the park being closed longer if necessary, rather now so we have a useable facility in time for the warmer months.
The boundary guard rail has been found, apparently down river somewhere, this is to be replaced. Also the Mini-Ramp and Half-Pipe safety rails will be repaired and replaced if required
Once the sand-blasting has been completed, panel replacement and re-riveting will take place, to those worried about the current rivets being used I have been assured that they will be done with flat headed rivets to avoid any potential hazard. The foundations will also be addressed not only under the ramps but to side of the Mini, rubber sheeting will be layed to help avoid further erosion of the soil.
All of the ramps, once repair work is completed, will be recoated with and Epoxy-Resin designed to protect the ramp from the elements. I can assure you all this is not going to affect the ride of the ramps as I have seen this used before, its actually designed for Boat hulls, not too slippery or too rough. Again this all hinges on what the sand-blasting reveals.
Or complete lack of to be more precise. I have highlighted a variety of safety issues pertaining from the original construction of the Skate-Park. I will be forwarding this on to Mr Parkington to ensure that everything discussed does receive due care and consideration.
I also got the chance to raise the problem caused by the sinking of the ramps and therefore the dangerous transitions on ALL the ramps and flat-banks. Andy did completely agree and also went so far as to elaborate on a few potential resolutions to the many issues. Being one of the major safety risks in the park, I feel very confident that this can now be addressed and hopefully corrected properly.
Sharp Bent Metal,
All points of split wealds and overhanging jagged metal were pointed out and I have been assured will be resolved considering the high potential for injury caused by the condition of the wealds and joins.
One of the parks many major downfalls, the condition of the surface has now been highlighted. Andy agreed and understands the problem caused by all the pot-holes and over-lapping of the asphalt suggesting potential ideas on how this can be sorted. Possibly up to and including a sectional resurfacing of the area effected by the footprint left by the old jump-box.
Battered flat and barely useable, this problem was raised and will be addressed once the sand-blasting takes place as again it may reveal many more underlying problems,
Sinking Skate-Park
All the points of the parks equipment that are sinking or slipped were pointed out and discussed. This mainly refers back to the transition problems and surfacing issues previously mentioned but this needs to be addressed especially considering nothing in the Skate-Park is bolted down or secured to any kind of foundation.
Final Point of Interest,
Andy did however let slip a small bone of contention from the Councils side. I refer to the glass and litter accumulated in the Skate-Park area. I did point out the attitude cultivated by the councils previous lack of attention to the Skate-Park but I have to agree with him. I have discussed with Daz and therefore propose that a gesture of good faith on our part is needed.
We will soon be organising a thorough tidying of the area before work commences. This means in, around and under every ramp, in order to provide those conducting the repairs a clean environment to start with but also highlight our communities resolve, support and enthusiasm towards the Chelmsford Skate-Park Campaign.
So there you have it, this may not sound like much, but the work being proposed and conducted is a major under-taking and we must remain grateful to the Council that any kind of financing is being put in the direction of the Skate-Park.
Updates will follow when more is known,
Kind Regards,
Phil McEwan-Bell
Friday, March 19, 2010
Chelmsford Central Park Development

I know this is long one but it pays to be thorough,
So we had our first meeting with Chelmsford County Council last night, thanks mainly to Mr Stephen Robinson for setting the meeting up. First I will add the notes from the meeting and then highlight the key points. Understand though this may taste bitter sweet but there is definitely a chance for us to do something great for Chelmsford.
Meeting re Skateboard ramps, Central Park
18th March 2009, 6.00 pm Christy Room
Present: Stephen Robinson; Luke Pearce; Phil McEwan-Bell; Darren Coles; Glenn Parkington; Paul Van Damme
Meeting Notes
1. Background: Paul Van Damme outlined development influences that were likely to impact upon Central Park (ARU campus & ECCC ground), but emphasised that the Council considered the skateboard ramps were an important recreational facility for the community and that there were no plans to remove them. It was acknowledged that the existing ramps were in need of attention and refurbishment works were in hand. This is an interim measure to facilitate longer term planning and potential replacement with improved skateboard facilities. Other considerations were the views of the Environment Agency for works affecting a flood plain, and a need for planning permission for anything other than a like-for-like replacement. Skateboarding reps emphasised that whilst refurbishment was reassuring, the existing ramps must be replaced, ideally along lines of a concrete construction such as Harlow or Saffron Walden - handouts were circulated as examples of good facilities elsewhere.
Action: Parks Service to review construction of concrete ramps provided elsewhere, as examples of best practice.
2. CHP offer to facilitate setting up a formal representative group: Stephen Robinson referred to an offer from Malin Blom to help set up an organising group. Paul Van Damme indicated the Council would speak to Malin Blom about this and how it might best work.
Action: Parks Service to arrange discussion with Malin Blom
3. Initial refurbishment works: Skateboarding reps asked if they could see recommendations/attend when contractor starts to point out problems that might be missed. Paul Van Damme stated this would be useful input and would see what could be arranged, as order had been placed.
Action: Parks Service to check proposed start date and inform skateboard reps accordingly. Arrange site meeting with Andy Eaves (supervising officer for works) to enable reps to input their knowledge on defects/remedial.
4. Gt. Baddow ramp: Skateboarding reps referred to an offer from Ongar Town Council to dismantle and deliver a sectional concrete ramp to Baddow as a replacement for that which had been destroyed by arson a few years ago.
Action: Parks Service to contact Parish Council to ascertain their position on the offer referred to them
5. Planning permission: There were as yet no definitive proposals from the ARU campus developer in respect of the sub-way widening required by both the Highway Authority (ECC) and the borough council. Given that this was the main factor directly affecting the immediate location of the skateboarding facility, clarification on likely impact to Central Park was needed.
Action: (a) Parks Service to discuss with planners/ECC likely engineering
requirements to facilitate future planning of any revisions to skateboard area.
(b) Skateboarding reps to let Parks Service have any useful information concerning planning obstacles/difficulties encountered elsewhere and subsequently overcome, in order to aid discussions with Planners for any future planning application concerning a new facility.
6. Future Meeting: date/location TBC following discussions with Malin Blom
So to break this down section by section -
1. Background
Whatever happens our could happen all depends on the building sites surrounding Central Park, two of which being a major factor, the old University Campus and a residential development by the Cricket Ground.
Unfortunately what this means is no development will be able to happen on the Skatepark site until these development projects are finalised. Although things don’t look great for this at the moment due to the economic climate etc but this does not mean all hope is lost.
What follows is CCC’s Plan that is already in place to improve Central Park and the surrounding area, their vision “A dynamic, destination city park for all-age recreation for the 21st century.” their words.

As you can see Chelmsford County Council are not adverse to improvement and have taking everything we said and presented them with onboard.
Basically the entire development of Central Park includes the improvement and most importantly the inclusion of the Skatepark.
2. CHP offer to facilitate setting up a formal representative group:
What this means is we will soon be put in contact with a similar group in the area who are campaigning for a BMX/Mountain Bike dirt track in Chelmsford. This could prove helpful as we all have a common interest and ambition. You will know more when we do.
3. Initial refurbishment works
This is great news and will at least put a few minds at ease. The council will not be removing
the ramps,
But will be starting cosmetic work to make what we have now safer and that bit much cleaner,
I gather that from next Monday some preliminary replacement/repair riveting will be done, then sand blasting is to be arranged (date tbc) to both clean away debris and rust and reveal any hidden problems, prior to relining/surfacing work with an epoxy resin coating.
We will be meeting with the company on Wednesday 24th to consult on what is being done and what other issues need to be addressed.
Basically the Council are willing to at least put some money in immediately to repair our Skatepark not just to hand us off but giving us a safer environment until the developments take shape and things become set in stone. We have to wait until building on these sites first in order to know for certain what space etc we are dealing with. This is a positive step as it gives us the time to start a full fund raising initiative.

In answer to peoples questions about simply moving the site the problem lies mainly in the ownership of the land and where the Skatepark fits into this. Unfortunately to the side or under the viaduct will never be an option but ideally we are in the best place already. What we get is a claim on the spot we’re currently on due to Council legislation that prevents the council from removing the facility if not without replacing it.
4. Gt. Baddow ramp
Probably not going to be a viable option but the Council will keep us informed on what is happening with the Ramp. We will let you know when we do.
5. Summary
Until an approved development for the old campus site, which includes the widening of
the subway, is solidified the Skatepark will not change but this meeting presented CCC with a
lot to think about. All of the issues raised by the Skatepark Campaign group up to and including the Parks Services and Essex County Council actually considering and looking into the development and improvement of the Skatepark, most notably what our County Town needs, a concrete Skatepark with a Bowl.
As well as the Council looking into the planning and engineering of a 21st Century Skatepark, the group will be providing the council with a lot of material and references in order to get the seeds planted.
We have been assured that the Group will be kept up to date with anything relevant to the Skatepark from here on in, which is great news for us all,
The foot is firmly in the door, now is our time, we have a lot of work to do.
Phil McEwan-Bell
I know this is long one but it pays to be thorough,
So we had our first meeting with Chelmsford County Council last night, thanks mainly to Mr Stephen Robinson for setting the meeting up. First I will add the notes from the meeting and then highlight the key points. Understand though this may taste bitter sweet but there is definitely a chance for us to do something great for Chelmsford.
Meeting re Skateboard ramps, Central Park
18th March 2009, 6.00 pm Christy Room
Present: Stephen Robinson; Luke Pearce; Phil McEwan-Bell; Darren Coles; Glenn Parkington; Paul Van Damme
Meeting Notes
1. Background: Paul Van Damme outlined development influences that were likely to impact upon Central Park (ARU campus & ECCC ground), but emphasised that the Council considered the skateboard ramps were an important recreational facility for the community and that there were no plans to remove them. It was acknowledged that the existing ramps were in need of attention and refurbishment works were in hand. This is an interim measure to facilitate longer term planning and potential replacement with improved skateboard facilities. Other considerations were the views of the Environment Agency for works affecting a flood plain, and a need for planning permission for anything other than a like-for-like replacement. Skateboarding reps emphasised that whilst refurbishment was reassuring, the existing ramps must be replaced, ideally along lines of a concrete construction such as Harlow or Saffron Walden - handouts were circulated as examples of good facilities elsewhere.
Action: Parks Service to review construction of concrete ramps provided elsewhere, as examples of best practice.
2. CHP offer to facilitate setting up a formal representative group: Stephen Robinson referred to an offer from Malin Blom to help set up an organising group. Paul Van Damme indicated the Council would speak to Malin Blom about this and how it might best work.
Action: Parks Service to arrange discussion with Malin Blom
3. Initial refurbishment works: Skateboarding reps asked if they could see recommendations/attend when contractor starts to point out problems that might be missed. Paul Van Damme stated this would be useful input and would see what could be arranged, as order had been placed.
Action: Parks Service to check proposed start date and inform skateboard reps accordingly. Arrange site meeting with Andy Eaves (supervising officer for works) to enable reps to input their knowledge on defects/remedial.
4. Gt. Baddow ramp: Skateboarding reps referred to an offer from Ongar Town Council to dismantle and deliver a sectional concrete ramp to Baddow as a replacement for that which had been destroyed by arson a few years ago.
Action: Parks Service to contact Parish Council to ascertain their position on the offer referred to them
5. Planning permission: There were as yet no definitive proposals from the ARU campus developer in respect of the sub-way widening required by both the Highway Authority (ECC) and the borough council. Given that this was the main factor directly affecting the immediate location of the skateboarding facility, clarification on likely impact to Central Park was needed.
Action: (a) Parks Service to discuss with planners/ECC likely engineering
requirements to facilitate future planning of any revisions to skateboard area.
(b) Skateboarding reps to let Parks Service have any useful information concerning planning obstacles/difficulties encountered elsewhere and subsequently overcome, in order to aid discussions with Planners for any future planning application concerning a new facility.
6. Future Meeting: date/location TBC following discussions with Malin Blom
So to break this down section by section -
1. Background
Whatever happens our could happen all depends on the building sites surrounding Central Park, two of which being a major factor, the old University Campus and a residential development by the Cricket Ground.
Unfortunately what this means is no development will be able to happen on the Skatepark site until these development projects are finalised. Although things don’t look great for this at the moment due to the economic climate etc but this does not mean all hope is lost.
What follows is CCC’s Plan that is already in place to improve Central Park and the surrounding area, their vision “A dynamic, destination city park for all-age recreation for the 21st century.” their words.

As you can see Chelmsford County Council are not adverse to improvement and have taking everything we said and presented them with onboard.
Basically the entire development of Central Park includes the improvement and most importantly the inclusion of the Skatepark.
2. CHP offer to facilitate setting up a formal representative group:
What this means is we will soon be put in contact with a similar group in the area who are campaigning for a BMX/Mountain Bike dirt track in Chelmsford. This could prove helpful as we all have a common interest and ambition. You will know more when we do.
3. Initial refurbishment works
This is great news and will at least put a few minds at ease. The council will not be removing
the ramps,
But will be starting cosmetic work to make what we have now safer and that bit much cleaner,
I gather that from next Monday some preliminary replacement/repair riveting will be done, then sand blasting is to be arranged (date tbc) to both clean away debris and rust and reveal any hidden problems, prior to relining/surfacing work with an epoxy resin coating.
We will be meeting with the company on Wednesday 24th to consult on what is being done and what other issues need to be addressed.
Basically the Council are willing to at least put some money in immediately to repair our Skatepark not just to hand us off but giving us a safer environment until the developments take shape and things become set in stone. We have to wait until building on these sites first in order to know for certain what space etc we are dealing with. This is a positive step as it gives us the time to start a full fund raising initiative.

In answer to peoples questions about simply moving the site the problem lies mainly in the ownership of the land and where the Skatepark fits into this. Unfortunately to the side or under the viaduct will never be an option but ideally we are in the best place already. What we get is a claim on the spot we’re currently on due to Council legislation that prevents the council from removing the facility if not without replacing it.
4. Gt. Baddow ramp
Probably not going to be a viable option but the Council will keep us informed on what is happening with the Ramp. We will let you know when we do.
5. Summary
Until an approved development for the old campus site, which includes the widening of
the subway, is solidified the Skatepark will not change but this meeting presented CCC with a
lot to think about. All of the issues raised by the Skatepark Campaign group up to and including the Parks Services and Essex County Council actually considering and looking into the development and improvement of the Skatepark, most notably what our County Town needs, a concrete Skatepark with a Bowl.
As well as the Council looking into the planning and engineering of a 21st Century Skatepark, the group will be providing the council with a lot of material and references in order to get the seeds planted.
We have been assured that the Group will be kept up to date with anything relevant to the Skatepark from here on in, which is great news for us all,
The foot is firmly in the door, now is our time, we have a lot of work to do.
Phil McEwan-Bell
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Young Guns 1
Here's a new edit from Jack Caryl featuring some Essex locals.
Here's a new edit from Jack Caryl featuring some Essex locals.
"Young Guns I, edit one of hopefully more. guna work over the summer to make edits of the up and coming stars of tomorrow.
Joe Harvey, Sean Collett, and Matt Witchalls are the featured skaters in this enstallment..
More soon..." Jack.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Spring Jam
Sunday, January 17, 2010
One day with Champion Baumstimler at the Odessa park from SicApparel on Vimeo.
Proof that 2010 is going to be off the hook...
I'm so happy right now!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Demon Xtreme is coming to Chelmsford
Can anyone else remember the last time there was a shop in Chelmsford that sold skates, no? Lets just say it's been a while, but the guys over at Demon Xtreme are planning to change that when they open their new Chelmsford store.

They hope to be open by January 16th. Check there website for more details.

They hope to be open by January 16th. Check there website for more details.
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