So as day dawned on the morning of the event, we all opened the curtains to be greeted by the sight of Essex looking very wet and quite sorry for itself, but with so much planned for the day we loaded the cars and headed down to King Georges playing fields to set up.
The entire drive down the weather didn't let up, but by the time we pulled in the wet stuff had finally stopped falling, things were looking up.

Big Fen and the crew had already got the ball rolling with many activities in full swing all around the park. With the weather slowly sorting itself out there was a great turn out with lots to see and do, great displays from Streetball Extreme, the Urban Elite Team and none other than Mikey Fisher (world class Football Freestyler) showing off some mad ball skills and inviting the crowd to take part and learn some tricks.

Also through out the day the Kayzar Breakdance Crew and the International All Starzz Cheerleaders were busting their moves left right and center, fun was had by all with "Come & Try" sessions going all day, many a jaw was dropped.
Music was pumping around the park with various DJ's spinning a good mix of sounds and also holding mix classes for those wanting to try their hand.

Despite the moist reception spirits were not dampened and props have to go out to all the Youngsters who stuck it and helped dry out the ramps. Around 3 o'clock the sun finally broke through and everything looked a whole lot brighter from then on, we had an awesome turnout for the skate jamm and comp, with BMX'ers, Skateboarders and Inliners tearing the park to pieces and getting those last few minutes of practice in before the comp went down.

The BMX'ers having had the largest turnout were up first, a typical jamm sesh with 2 runs each being judged on Tricks, Air, Technical Ability and Usage of the Park.
It was a close run affair until finally Adam Glitberry (a Brentwood Local) smashed the competition with a massive gap from the mini into the streetcourse quarter, a well deserved win.

Next up we had the skateboarders which down to the weather the turnout was a little smaller so we resorted to running an ol'fashioned game of SKATE, first round on the streetcourse and round 2 on the mini, the Final came down to Chelmsford local's Macy Peach and Daz Coles, with Daz finally sealing the win with some very fluid and technical ramp skating.

Last but definitely not least the Rollerbladers took the streetcourse with huge gaps and grinds busted all over the shop, the Essex Rollers did not disappoint the crowds, with 2 runs each and some big tricks pulled off it was pretty close, Luke Sayer with a crazy Handstand off the Quarter and Matt Richardson finding his balls and skating hard (all with his broken arm in a plaster cast) to name a few, but it finally came down to Withams own Matt "Squid" Witchalls, destroying the park consistently with technical up-along-down switch-ups on the box and sealing his win with a ridiculous 180 Lui Kang grab off the jump box and clearing the driveway to flat (not to mention landing in a puddle).

We ended the day with final displays of some amazing dance and ball skills, and wrapping up nicely with the awards ceremony for winners of the skate jamm. First place winners got to take home a SXGames T-shirt and a MP3 player. All in all it was a great day, showcasing many different forms of expression and positively promoting the ever active work that Big Fen and the crew do for the youth of Essex, Thanks has to go not only to BIG FEN for organizing and running this great event but to Brentwood County Council for supporting such a great cause and of course all the little rippers who stuck by us, waited out the wet weather and proceeded to help the jamm go off with a bang.

Big up all involved and keep your eyes peeled for upcoming news of events to come....
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