But they may not have ever had to deal with such a fussy bunch as yous lot!!
We've had several different designs/plans for this park, a...ll of them have had their good points and their bad. Its almost crunch time people, decisions have to be made sharpish!
This project is yours, its in your hands, and it has been since the start, you have the power you are calling the shots here. So don't mess it up.
Gravity have said that they are happy to work with your needs taking guidance and ideas from you. And they have done.
So here it is .... Gravity Rayleigh Revision vesion 1a

This is gravitys revised version from a different perspective...

This is the version that P.C. (our local ramp designer extrodinaire) messed with, you should be able to notice he's made a few changes. He's also written 2500 word essay to accompany it expaining the changes he would make. None of them are hugely major! The biggest and most obvious is the size of the mini ramp.